Fast fourier transform on spreadsheet file data
Assuming that you want to find the fast fourier transform (fft) of data in 2nd column in your spreadsheet file.
Use the ✎ option to open the variable editor. Then read the spreadsheet file using the "Read Create Spreadsheet..." option. After the file is read by the app, a page is displayed showing the variable names from 'A' to 'Z' where each variable is mapped to a specific column.
By default, variable Y is mapped to 2nd column so we will perform fft on Y variable. Simply input the expression Y and tap on ℱt.
Case 1: You do not have a separate column for corresponding time values in spreadsheet.
In that case select independent variable as SEQ_NO and provide the value of deltaT (Time interval between two samples in sequence)
Case 2: You have a separate column for corresponding numeric time values in spreadsheet.
Assuming the 1st column in spreadsheet has the time values. Since we know that X is mapped to 1st column, select X as independent time variable. Time period will be calculated from column 1 data and rows will be sorted with respect to 1st column.
You can also use any complex expression that operates over the file data. For example to find fft of sum of 3rd and 4th columns, use the expression C+D. (By default, C is mapped to column 3 and D to column 4)
Note 1: In both the cases above it is assumed that data is sampled at equal intervals.
Note2 : To perform fft, no of input rows from spreadsheet file should be 2N. (2, 4, 8, 16 ...)